In the Spotlight: Andrew Cuthbert

How long have you worked at Roberts Environmental?

I have been here almost 4 years now.

Describe your role within the firm.

My role within Roberts Environmental is the design and management of geo-environmental projects, providing support and advice to staff on contaminated land and other environmental issues. I also act as Health and Safety Advisor within the company.

What attracted you to a career in the geo-environmental sector?

I have always been interested in the environment and spent most of my holidays as a child in the British countryside. This included trips to a small village in North Yorkshire called Skinningrove, where my grandad was brought up. At one time, Skinningrove was dominated by ironstone mining, and the beck which runs through the village was stained red with iron ochre, which emanated from the old mine workings. This got me interested in pollution and contaminated land management, which eventually led me to towards the geo-environmental sector.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy working in an open office, with a great atmosphere, where ideas and knowledge is actively shared by people who genuinely get on with each other.

Which three famous people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party?

Michael Palin – because he has travelled the world and would be interesting conversation.
Clint Eastwood – because he is Clint Eastwood.
Stephen Fry – so he can tell me that all of the ‘facts’ I thought I knew are actually wrong!

Describe your dream holiday

That’s difficult to narrow down, so in no specific order, I would have to say either a nice relaxing trip to the Spanish countryside for wine and tapas, horseback riding in the Mongolian Steps or a trip to Whitby for fish and chips.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself that people may not know

Somehow in the last two years my house has turned into a zoo, with a Cat, 3 lovebirds and lots of fish. Also, I have just taken on an allotment, so I am anticipating chickens will arrive in the near future as well!

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