Environmental Specialist Continues Growth with New Appointment

Environmental Specialist Continues Growth with New Appointment
Roberts Environmental has appointed Ellie Curry to help the firm service its growing client base.
Ellie, who graduated from the University of Hull in 2016, has joined the Newcastle-based firm as a graduate consultant following a work experience placement.
Her wide ranging role includes site investigations, desktop studies and coal mining assessments, some of which she has already undertaken for clients Gleeson Homes and Lidl.
Ellie commented on her appointment: “I thoroughly enjoyed my work experience placement at Roberts, where I was made to feel very welcome and part of the team from the outset. I also undertook work experience with Horizon Nuclear Power which initially opened my eyes into this industry. It is rare for an employer in the geology and consultancy industry to give graduates this sort of opportunity. At Roberts I will have the opportunity to work with some high profile clients and with experienced colleagues who will help me to develop my skills further.”
Founded by Jeff Roberts in 2012, the firm which is based on Grey Street in Newcastle, provides environmental advice and solutions for developers, investors and banks, and recently celebrated its five year anniversary.
Jeff Roberts said: “Ellie is a tremendous addition to our team and we are very pleased she has now joined us on a permanent basis. She will be able to help us in a number of areas and as a firm we can give her a good range of experience to set her up well for her career. As our client base continues to grow we are finding that our geographical reach and range of service lines is widening so we were keen to bring in additional support.”
Roberts Environmental is now targeting further expansion with plans to double its workforce and relocate to larger offices in Newcastle by 2020.
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For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email: Enquiries@robertsenvironmental.co.uk.
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