PFAS Risk Assessment

PFAS Risk Assessment
01. Understand Your Risks
The regulation of PFAS globally is ever changing and can result in associated risks and liabilities not being explicitly addressed.
We believe that consideration should be given to PFAS from the earliest opportunity within Phase I Assessments, and where required, within future Phase 2 and Remediation works.
Due to numerous and widespread historic uses of PFAS, there are many potential sources which may result in risks and liability during property development and investment which must be assessed within the context of your site.
02. Assess Site Specific Information
REL have developed an in-house PFAS risk screening tool within GIS software to quickly and effectively assess the risks associated with PFAS at your site during a desk-based study.
We review our PFAS Database of 24,500+ potential UK sources, and specialist environmental searches are ordered to build a PFAS conceptual site model, determining the significance of risk for development and investment. Additional information considered includes:
- Historical maps;
- Site inspection to assess current operations and PFAS use;
- Regulatory enquiries;
- Information held in the data room; and
- Appraisal of previous technical reports.
03. Quantify Risks
We assess the significance of potential PFAS contamination at your site and within the surrounding area, taking your specific needs into account.
Following a review of all desk-based information and findings of the site walkover an assessment is made to:
- Determine what risks (if any) are present;
- Assess the environmental setting to determine the significance of risk from PFAS (if present); and
- Quantify within the context of the sites current or proposed use.
04. Provide Advice
Conclusions are drawn and cost-effective recommendations and advice are provided, enabling you to make informed decisions.
The report will include a summary of any identified PFAS risks, summarised as LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.
Where required, a suitable scope of intrusive testing will be developed and soil / groundwater testing can be undertaken to further quantify the risks present.
Performance from
the ground up
Our Offices
1 Croft Stairs
Newcastle Upon Tyne
55 Whitfield Street
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