Talk to our Consultants

Ground Gas Assessment

01. Understand Your Site

Ground gas ingress can cause harm to both health and property. Our experts will identify any significant sources of ground gas and advise on the best practice to mitigate the associated risk.

Based on your requirements we will advise either a desk based or intrusive investigation.

02. Desk Based Study

A desk based study allows for a cost effective assessment of the risk from ground gas.

  • We review available mapping sources (Historical and Geological);
  • We collect anecdotal information regarding the site and surrounding area;
  • We reviewing regulatory databases including the local authority planning portal; and
  • We undertake regulatory consultation.

Following the compilation of the above we produce a risk assessment; if no risk is identified, the investigation ends here.

03. Intrusive Investigation

If significant risk is identified during the desk study, we advise undertaking the following:

  • Progression of boreholes to install monitoring wells;
  • Ground gas monitoring visits;
  • A ground gas risk assessment in line with CIRIA C665 and advise the level of risk or any protection measures needed.

04. Provide Advice

If a significant risk is identified we can:

  • Advise on the most suitable gas protection measures required;
  • Validate the installation of required gas protection measures.

You, future occupiers, mortgage providers and local authorities have reassurance the site is fit for its proposed use and not a potential risk or liability.


Performance from
the ground up

1 Croft Stairs
Newcastle Upon Tyne

55 Whitfield Street

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0191 230 4521