In the Spotlight with: Jeff Roberts, MD

In the Spotlight with: Jeff Roberts, MD
How long have you worked at Roberts Environmental?
I established the firm In March 2012, so we have been going for six years now.
Describe your role within the firm.
Being MD, my role is extensive and varied; from making the coffee through to presenting proposals to new clients. On any given day I can be found writing and reviewing reports, undertaking site works and partaking in business development activities. I also manage the running of the business including the accounts, legals, office management, employee welfare, vehicle management and so on. Having an open plan office means I am always being asked questions or being involved in project discussions, which I really enjoy.
What attracted you to a career in the geo environmental sector?
One of my A-level subjects was geography and the human side of it was of particular interest to me. Subsequently, I went to Sheffield Hallam University to do Environmental Management, which involved a third year in industry. I managed to secure a placement with an inspirational gentleman called John Phillips, who ran a contaminated land company out of Maltby near Rotherham. John was a highly successful business man, who was keen on pursuing innovative ideas in contaminated land clean-up. I will always appreciate the guidance and opportunity John gave me when starting my career. I then did a Masters at Oxford Brookes before getting my first job in consultancy with WSP in London.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Its varied nature from speaking on site to drilling contractors, to picking up the phone to Fund Managers and multi millionaire developers. Both actually require a similar form of language; plain English and straight to the point.
What has been your favourite project at Roberts Environmental?
The first one on the 1 March 2012. A single house in Durham. It is probably one of the smallest and without a doubt the one with the lowest percentage profit, but it signified the start of Roberts Environmental.
What book did you read last?
“Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall. An amazing insight into athletic achievement and mental strength. It shows what can be accomplished through the power of the human mind and a ‘never give up’ attitude.
Name your top 3 albums of all time?
Stone Roses “The Stone Roses”, Counting Crows “August and Everything After”, The XX “I See You”.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself that people may not know?
I’m a five-time world champion in Rugby Netball.
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Jeff provides a service which identifies the environmental risk and liabilities for investors, banks and developers. Including all aspects of land quality, due diligence, flood risk, site investigation and remediation project managing.
Please contact him at or 07771850873
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