Large Project Wins Feed Continued Expansion of Roberts Environmental

Large Project Wins Feed Continued Expansion of Roberts Environmental
After securing large project wins, Roberts Environmental continues to expand its team of Geo-environmental specialists to meet the market demand and is looking to recruit further into 2021.
In spite of the challenges of 2020, Roberts has welcomed a growing instruction book which includes providing consultancy support to development projects valued over £100m in one particular area. The team at Roberts Environmental has seen a growth in their service line for the validation of ground gas protection measures at large commercial and residential sites for both public and private sector clients.
Increasingly, there is a requirement for ground gas mitigation, such as gas membranes, to be installed in development schemes. Such schemes require suitably qualified consultants to oversee the installation process providing a strategy to the Local Authorities and then ensuring the work has been undertaken in accordance with the guidance.
Roberts Environmental are currently undertaking such work for Esh Construction at their 529 unit housing scheme in Kenton, Newcastle, as well as providing this service on the £16m Salford University expansion, and the £11mscheme of improvements at Tameside College.
The increase in demand for Roberts Environmental services, which also includes environmental due diligence and site investigations, has resulted in the growth of the team, recruiting Consultant Kieran Tappin.

Kieran has worked in the ground investigation industry since 2018. His extensive knowledge is supplemented with a distinction in his MSc Engineering Geology from Newcastle University. The combination of university and industry exposure has resulted in Kieran acquiring knowledge infields including geomechanics, hydrology, contaminated land, and geotechnical testing and design.
Jeff Roberts, Managing Director said:
“The appointments on these large projects perfectly displays our versatility as a firm and our ability to grow and adapt to industry needs. By continuing to expand our team and our service offering to clients, we are maintaining a strong position to satisfy increasing demand.
Ground gas remediation and validation is an ever evolving sector with the new CIRIA C795 guidance recently being published and an accreditation scheme developed by CL:AIRE. Roberts Environmental employees are pursuing these qualifications to ensure we continue to provide up-to-date, jargon free, technical advice to our clients.”
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For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email:
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