Roberts Environmental Announces Expansion with London Office

Roberts Environmental Announces Expansion with London Office
Geo-Environmental Consultancy, Roberts Environmental Limited, has opened an office in London.
Due to continued business growth in and around the City, REL took the strategic decision to open the London office to enable it to meet the needs and requirements of its existing clients and support a growing market demand for its services. With the existing head office in Newcastle upon Tyne the new office in Mayfair will be its first in the South of the UK.
With further plans for expansion in the area, a London-base will enable the business to continue to offer its range of specialist services advising on all stages of investment due diligence, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and site investigation services.
Particularly valuable to many clients is an in-depth knowledge and previous experience across a wide variety of work, ranging from major investment fund portfolio work to determine risks and liabilities associated with contamination through to complex development projects across both public and private sectors.
Working across a range of industries, such as care home, leisure, residential, commercial, industrial and waste the business has delivered a number of significant projects. This has included the provision of due diligence for Elite Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust, which purchased a national £282m portfolio of UK government let offices. In addition, development works have included working for major commercial retailer B&Q and the extensions to their stores in Salisbury, Sidcup, Leatherhead and Maidstone. Finally, REL have seen an increased in the Care Home work with developments in Chigwell, Stratford upon Avon, Stowmarket and Maidstone.
Jeff Roberts, director at REL, said: “We are pleased to announce our expansion into new premises in London. Based on our continued growth and development in the market, we took the decision to open our first Southern-based office. From here we are able to continue to service our clients, ongoing and new projects in the area.”
Consultant Ben Lawry, who will be working from the office, stated, “We have always taken great pride in the fact that a large proportion of our business has been achieved through recommendations from customers, clients and fellow professionals. We believe this is testimony to the quality of service and commitment we offer to each and every commission, and we’re looking forward to continuing to do this with key projects in and around London.”
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For further information on how we can assist you with your project, please do not hesitate to contact Ben on 0207 183 8491, 07496 794242 or email:
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