London Site Investigation: Managing UXO Risk and Site Contamination


London is a city with a rich historic legacy whilst integrating contemporary development, creating geotechnical and environmental challenges for any development site. In this blog, we will introduce Roberts Environmental, a well-established UK based Geo-Environmental consultancy that provides geotechnical and contaminated land risk management services during property development and investment. We'll also discuss the geotechnical and environmental challenges and also the potential UXO risk, and how Roberts Environmental's consulting services can help clients mitigate these risks.

Historical Overview of London's Development and Environmental Risks

London has undergone significant development throughout the centuries, resulting in various environmental risks that need to be addressed during property development and investment. London's experiences in both World War I and II have resulted in a significant UXO risk. Bombing campaigns have resulted in a potential lethal legacy left buried below many parts of London, posing a health and safety risk for both intrusive site investigations and redevelopment works. In addition, the city's extensive industrial heritage has created a range of geotechnical hazards and contamination risks, which without investigation or remediation, can pose constraints to (re)development, as well as both human and environmental health. Hazards, include buried services, rail and service tunnel infrastructure, and soil and water contamination.  

Environmental Consulting Services for UXO Risk and Site Contamination in London

Roberts Environmental provides various environmental consulting services to help clients manage contamination and geotechnical risk during development and construction, including Phase 1 Desk Studies, Phase 2 Site Investigations, Remediation and Validation Reporting. Where a risk from UXO is identified, detailed Explosive Ordnance Risk Assessments can be commissioned to zone and assess the risk to determine if on-site support is required during Site Investigations and future groundworks on sites in London.

Brownfield Development and Environmental Protection in London

Given the industrial heritage of London, there are conflicts between development and environmental protection. As such, regulatory authorities require robust contaminated land assessments to satisfy planning conditions and ensure that future site -users will not be at risk. It's essential to work closely with developers, local authorities, and other stakeholders to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into the planning and development process. The local knowledge that Roberts Environmental provides ensures that the correct techniques are chosen when designing any Geo-Environmental Assessment in London, obtaining the required information to satisfy Local Authorities and inform future development plans.


London's extensive development has created various environmental risks that require effective solutions. Roberts Environmental provides environmental consulting services that can help manage UXO, contamination and geotechnical risks during property development and investment. Roberts Environmental have the expertise to provide effective solutions to ensure the commercial success of your project.

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For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email:

1 Croft Stairs
Newcastle Upon Tyne

55 Whitfield Street

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