Roberts Environmental opens London office

Roberts Environmental opens London office
Roberts Environmental is delighted to announce the opening of a London office to service a growing number of instructions in the South of England.
The new office on Woodstock Street in Mayfair will be managed by co-directors Jeff Roberts and Mike Hay.
London-based investment funds Columbia Threadneedle, BMO Global Asset Management and Mayfair Capital have all turned to Roberts Environmental over the past few years for geo-environmental advice in relation to their land and property holdings.
Roberts Environmental is now targeting further work in the area having previously undertaken projects throughout the South East covering sites in Watford, Maidenhead, Basildon, Hemel Hempstead and Central London.
Jeff Roberts, managing director said: “Despite being based in Newcastle we have been undertaking work in the South of England for the past five years, thanks to a strong network of contacts I built up when I previously worked in the capital.
“Property transactions usually require some form of environmental due diligence and assessment for informed decisions to be made and we find that clients appreciate our jargon-free advice and commercial approach to geo-environmental matters. We have definitely carved out a niche in the sector and we want to use this opportunity to grow the business”.
Founded by Jeff Roberts in 2012, the firm which is based on Grey Street in Newcastle currently has a team of six, however it plans to double its workforce and relocate to larger offices in Newcastle by 2020.
Mike Hay, director at Roberts Environmental added: “We are already in the process of recruiting a further two new members of staff for our Newcastle office which will provide additional support while we establish the London office.
“Having a presence in the capital will make a huge difference to our existing clients based in the South and we believe it will lead to many new opportunities. There are a significant number of development projects in and around London which we hope to be a part of.”
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