September 2023 Promotions

September 2023 Promotions
Roberts Environmental Limited strengthens leadership following the Promotion of Rachel Stephenson and Andrew Cuthbert.
Roberts Environmental Limited announces promotions from its Newcastle office.
The geo-environmental consultancy, which provides development and investment advice in conjunction with site investigation services on behalf of UK property owners, is delighted to announce the promotion of two of its staff. The promotions reflect the enhancement of the senior management structure to support the continued success and growth of Roberts Environmental Limited.
Rachel initially joined the team in 2019 for a summer placement during her undergraduate degree, before returning to Roberts Environmental to complete a year long placement from August 2021 to 2022. She then went on to achieve a Masters degree in Environmental Consultancy from Newcastle University and returned to Roberts Environmental in October 2022 as a Graduate Consultant. During her time with Roberts Environmental to date, Rachel has worked across numerous projects, from small-scale single dwelling developments to large-scale regeneration projects, including providing specialist knowledge and expertise as the site geo-environmental specialist for a large-scale remediation and regeneration project taking place in North-East England. Rachel has a strong technical background in contaminated land and continues to provide clients with informed advice and cost-effective solutions across a range of projects.
We are delighted to announce the promotion of Rachel to Consultant.

Rachel Stephenson, Consultant
Andrew initially joined Roberts Environmental in 2014, having previously worked in both the private and public sector.
Over his years at Roberts Environmental, Andrew has been an integral part of the team, with his broad range of knowledge and expertise in addition to his ability to offer diligent and cost-effective solutions to our clients. Andrew has continually shown his dedication and commitment to both his career progression and the REL by actively growing his knowledge becoming a CL:AIRE Qualified Person and further expanding the service lines that REL can offer.
We are delighted to announce the promotion of Andrew to Associate Director.

Andrew Cuthbert, Associate Director
Jeff Roberts, Managing Director said: “Here at REL we believe there is a clear process of internal career progression with individuals aiming to achieve set roles and responsibilities. Andrew has been our technical contaminated lead for a number of years now and has recently achieved the CL:AIRE Qualified Person status. This has highlighted his own personal ambition to achieve the highest of standards within the industry. From the start of Rachel's career with us, she has shown herself to be an avid student for the technical aspects of the business. She has achieved recognition following her sponsored Masters year where she was awarded joint prize for Best Overall Student by the School for Natural and Environmental Sciences. Since returning to us her standard of work continues to be at the highest level and was recently awarded with theG4C North East ‘Student of the Year’. We are very pleased and proud to have both Andrew and Rachel with us at REL and they thoroughly deserve the promotions."
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For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental & Geo-Technical Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email:
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