Large Industrial Estate

We were instructed by Hedley Planning Services to undertake a Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Assessment and Phase II Baseline Environmental Assessment of an industrial estate in Gateshead, to be used within a vendors pack for the sale of the site.
The 7.34 hectare site is ultimately being considered for redevelopment for residential housing, with preliminary proposals for 163 units.
Our investigations were undertaken to help evaluate potential risk associated with contamination issues at the site, which was required as part of the proposed sale and future redevelopment.
Historically, the site has been used for a complex range of industrial land uses, including; chemical works, paint manufactory, coke manufactory, ship building yards, engineering works, a quarry (likely infilled), brick works, tanks and electricity sub-stations.
The site is currently an industrial estate comprising buildings of various ages, arranged over terraces, with the site sloping towards the River Tyne adjacent to the north.
Specific aims included determining the contamination status of soils and groundwaters underlying the site and assessing the associated level of risk to sensitive receptors. In addition, geotechnical data was obtained and reported factually.
Based on the findings of our investigation we were able to determine the ground conditions across the property including ash and clinker, and significant flint deposits likely comprising ships ballast brought up from London on coal barges, we also identified Japanese knotweed during inspection.
We were able to conclude that there was no significant risk to current site users and provide an outline remediation strategy for the proposed redevelopment for residential use.
For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email:
Performance from
the Ground Up
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