2020 For Roberts Environmental

2020 For Roberts Environmental
We are coming to the end of what has been one of the most challenging years to date for REL since our inception in 2012. The impacts of COVID have been felt throughout almost every industry, forcing us to adapt, overcome and innovate to ensure we can approach 2021 with a positive outlook on the future.
Although the construction industry was put on pause at the beginning of the year, we focussed our resources and began investing in internal practices, equipment and personnel putting the foundations in place behind the scenes to improve and diversify as a company.
As we approach the end of the year, it is with great pride that we consider the achievements of the Roberts Environmental team in the past 12 months.
The General State of Affairs
This year we have been heavily involved in new development projects across a range of sectors, taking us the length and breadth of the country; expanding into new sectors and providing new services to meet growing demand.
COVID has been an ever-present issue in 2020 and undoubtedly this will continue to be the case in the months ahead. From April we experienced a halting of the environmental Due Diligence work we undertake on behalf of fund managers on investment projects. However, as we approach the end of the year it appears confidence and investment is returning in this sector with us receiving multiple Due Diligence instructions which included a 42No site portfolio, encapsulating sites from Newcastle to Devon, working alongside Jones Hargreaves Building Consultancy. We managed to successfully complete the portfolio within the required 15 day timeframe.
Our growth in work with established property consultants such as Savills and George F White has also been a positive aspect of the last 12 months. Our ability to work alongside such firms and provide geo-environmental expertise to complement their range of skills is always a rewarding and successful partnership.
It has been a busy year for us in the retail sector, with Site Assessments on Asda, Morrisons, Co-op and B&Q sites in locations across the entirety of the UK alongside HB Projects Limited. A 19No. Morrisons portfolio was completed in August alongside other projects as denoted on the plan below, whilst ensuring we continued to be compliant with up-to-date COVID guidance and legislation.
In healthcare, we have worked with clients including Total Property Solutions/Anchor Care Homes prior to their new developments in York and Peterborough, as well as Oakland Care in Maidstone and First Care Homes in Ipswich.
A combination of healthy demand for new housing and arguably favourable planning conditions has led to a high volume of work for us this year with residential landowners. Whether it be a development of 5 homes or 500 homes, we continue to provide invaluable support to developers such as Gus Robinson Developments and Gleeson Homes as they look to ensure the viability of new schemes.
We have seen an increased demand for the validation of ground gas protective measures within new buildings and extensions. Whether basic or advanced protection is required, in both commercial or residential developments we have provided our services across multiple regions of the UK, working alongside development projects such as Energy House 2.0, Oldham College Block D and Marleyfield Care Home extension. We are also looking forward to continuing to support Taylor Wimpey at Kenton Bank Hall housing development into the New Year.
It has also been positive to see a growing number of landowners willing to speculate on investigating ground conditions at more challenging sites. Whilst in previous years we have found a reluctance to invest in due diligence on sites requiring more complex investigation, we are now finding that this situation is changing.
As ever, and particularly within these trying times, we are grateful to our Clients who have continued to work with us throughout the year and we look forward to continuing our professional relationships into the New Year.
A Stronger and Larger Team
We have expanded our reach and continued to strengthen our team.
Leighton has joined the team following 22 years of service in the Royal Air Force as vehicle Mechanic. As the Operations Technician he is responsible for a variety tasks including the management of the workshop, equipment and supplies, supporting consultants in their site work and logistical planning of operations improving the efficiency of internal practices.

Rachel has been with Roberts on an industry placement, after finishing her 3rd year studying Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham. Her role has involved completing Phase I Environmental Reports, Due Diligence reports, Phase II Site Investigations and Coal Mining Risk Assessments, gaining invaluable experience and building on knowledge learned at university within a practical setting.

Kieran is the latest addition to the REL team, having previously worked in the ground investigation industry since 2018. Kieran has experience on large-scale on-site geotechnical undertakings aiding in the final design of tunnel portals, flood defence systems and slope stabilisation in further strengthening REL capabilities

Looking to 2021
Jeff Roberts, Managing Director said
“We go into 2021 on the back of an incredibly successful year given the challenges which have been presented to us and the nation. Our instruction book is expending and we expect to continue our positive economic growth, demonstrating the integrity and professionalism of the team. Our work is spread across the UK with clients in a range of sectors and markets, which puts us in a strong position going forwards.
We are not a company to stand still or sit back on our laurels. During unprecedented times we have invested in staff and infrastructure, including the new user-friendly website, to diversify our service lines and improve operational efficiency. These investments ensure we can continue to meet the needs of our clients and provide a service with pragmatism and commercial focus at its core.
This would not be possible without a committed team behind it and the growth of REL will enable us to continue to strive and obtain big project wins.
The future of Roberts Environmental continues to look bright.”
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For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email: Enquiries@robertsenvironmental.co.uk.
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